My most important, reusable projects

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Projects listed here are GPL-Projects. Thus you can aquire a personal copy with minimum financial efforts (incl. sources, without any licencing limitations). I can easily make individual modifications. Cost/profit-relation is hardly to surpass.

Backward chronological.
  • R-TuX:
    Is a project, financed by three employers. It is my own, single-floppy-based TDSL-Router-Firewall-Linux-System, which automatically installs from the Net (central software-maintenance). With only one single Floppy, one can build a full-functional T-DSL-Router. You only need an 486er, 2 NICs, at least 24 MB RAM. Only the file pap-secrets (login-data) must be modified. Because of the FAT32-Filesystem, this can be managed with every PC. After Startup, those Firewalls can be administered remotely with ssh (public key). With fwbuilder this can be comfortably done in a pool. Future Features include booting over the IntraNet, without Floppy and automatic ISDN-Fallback. Employer: NCI, Kare, Gerstmann. Duration: 2 Months. Date: 2002. Programming Languages: SH-Scripts. Operating System: Linux 2.4.9. Software Applications: Trinux, iptables, fwbuilder.

  • SetUp:
    Is a Tool-Collection, which easily turns your fresh, minimum installed, secure Solaris Node into a real usable GPL-Internet-Server. Ideal in combination with JumpStart. SetUp also understands Linux. Employer: NCI, Gerstmann. Duration: 2 Months. Date: 2001. Programming Lanuguages: SH-Scripts, Perl CGI. Operating Systems: Solaris/Linux. Software Applications: CVS, cvsweb.

  • WebMail
    It was my target to build the best possible mailserver. It is built with noble components. Limits are only set by the hardware. Using respective hardware, this system should be able to handle 0.5 million users. Your perfect intranet! Employer: Gerstmann, (HypoVereinsBank, ISYS-Software). Duration: 3 Months. Date: 2001. Programming Lanuguages: C, PHP, Perl, CGI. Software Applications: Diverse.

  • IntraNet Portal
    Sometime i wanted my own, real usable Internet-Portal. Irgendwann wollte ich einen eigenen, wirklich nützlichen Internet-Auftritt. At this opportunity, i have ported MRTG and Big Brother from HTML to PHP, which widens the capabilities noticeable. The background color shows the state of all monitored systems, with every mouse click.. In all the intranet application. Includes web-interface for MySQL and web server statistics. Employer: Gerstmann Duration: 3 Months. Date: 2001. Programming Lanuguages: PHP, CGI, HTML. Software Applications: Apache, MySQL, AWStats, Webalizer,

  • System Monitoring
    One of the biggest E10K systems (Solaris, Intas) hat to be replaced. We had to exactly evaluate the performance of the new test-system. Employer: HypoVereinsBank, ISYS-Software. Duration: 2 Months. Date: 2000. Programming Lanuguages: PHP, CGI, HTML. Software Applications: Apache, MRTG, Big Brother.

  • IP-Accounting
    I have programmed the whole Accounting and Billing Software for an ISP in Munich. I have supportet the system til February/2002, but will not in the futire. Employer: NCI. Duration: totally 2 man-years. Date: spread between 1998-2002. Operating Systems: Solaris, Linux, Cisco IOS, Bay Networks Nautica, Concorde. Programmiersprachen: C, Scripts, PHP, Perl, CGI, HTML. Anwendersoftware: Cobra, MS-Office.

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Projects -
more about my professional history ... chronological.

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more about me ...

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